The Turtle is the symbol of the time that passes, of that centenarian memory that remains imprinted into the traces of experience on it’s carapace.
The Turtle is a reptile that can live both in the water and on earth. She seems slow, to always bring her house with her, with a frowning face that’s aware of what is happening and what it will bring to. She already saw it.
My Turtle has had enough of looking and knowing the world just from under that heavy ceiling. She traveled further than she could, she spoke with different animals, she tried different kind of living with other species.
But in the end she always ended up being surrounded from other turtles. So, once she ask them if somehow they could change, go somewhere else, fly! And every time was always the same answer: “you’re heavy, too heavy to aspire at the sky”.
So she grew up, doing her job, being a turtle in line that depending on the season passed from the water to earth, and then back again.
Once, far away on the beach, she would have sworn to see a lonesome turtle headed nowhere. So, curious, she tried to reach her. It was windy, very windy. The impetuous sea continued to slam her against the rocks. Many fishes taken to the shore where drowning around her. It was difficult, but she was sincerely tenacious and sure that she needed to get her. Neither a seagull remained in the sky for that strong wind.
Sunset was falling and all the reds and yellows of the drowning sun reflected across the water that made her path increasingly difficult.
Suddenly she felt like arose from a wave, transported and thrown on the rocks.
She fell upside down and remained in that position for all night looking at the stars wondering if up there, somewhere, there could have been other planets with other seas and beaches where the turtle weren’t so heavy. Then she fell asleep.
The next morning she was awakened from a seagull on her back, that was looking for food, that after not have found anything asked it self what was he waiting for.
The turtle widened her big eyes completely covered from the sand. So, with a shot of kidneys got back straight and far beyond saw again that turtle, as a black spot that was yearning the horizon.
She stood, looked back to his herd of turtles, that actually weren’t so far. No one was missing or looking for her, she understood she has become indifferent.
So she looked again in front at the sea… specifically in that spot where sea and sky become one. She felt lost, half afraid half exited. A chill beat her.
She closed her eyes and understood that the only thing she could do was listen to her heart. Everything else would have appeared as a fake.
Now nor death or life, day or night, right and wrong would have had a specific meaning.
She looked back to that black spot at the horizon and chose she wouldn’t have made it if she kept being so heavy. So she started pushing with all her strength against her ceiling.
She was pushing so hard that at once her breath jumped. She became all red and more swollen.
Suddenly she had a vision.